Copy Cat Instead of Eat Out

Is there one thing you order every time you go out to eat? Have you ever thought of recreating that delicious plate at home? Decide ahead of time on a dish you and your spouse would like to recreate---get all necessary ingredients. Spend this evening in the kitchen creating together. This would probably best be done when kids are in bed or in front of a movie. I love chalupas from Taco Bell, but I wanted an alternative to it, because I was living far from a Taco Bell. I found a recipe online and got to work. I MADE MY OWN CHALUPAS and my husband also affirmed that he loves chalupas! Really, the possibilities are endless with this date night! Marriage Reconnect During this date, possibly while enjoying your copied food of choice, discuss media boundaries. John Gottman in his book, "The 7 Principles for Making Marriage Work", said, ...