Build Your Marriage

What are must haves in your marriage and absolutely not's? On this stay at home date, create a marriage mission statement or slogan. It can be what ever you choose, but discuss why it's important to you. Post it in your bedroom so it can be viewed often.

When my husband and I were first married we were thrifty as ever and really enjoyed spending time together, most often just exploring our little community. I don't remember when exactly we came up with this, but our marriage slogan became, 'With you, Life is Rich!' We have talked about how we feel so rich just having each other. I mod podged that statement on to the top of an old dresser and it was a great reminder to us. The statement is now above our bed as well. Find something that is really going to be connected to who you are, where you want to be, etc.

To "top it off", build ice cream toppings are off limits!


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