Healthy Marriage Movie Guide --Radio
è “Might
any of those x’s and o’s be for me tonight?” Harold’s wife is used to football season and
the amount of time her husband dedicates to the team. What things are you and
your spouse dedicated to? How do you find balance in the busy “seasons”?
è The
boys had tied up the boy with special needs and were scaring him while he was
in the shed. This is an extreme example of mistreatment. In what ways have you
mistreated anyone in your life? How would you have reacted in finding this
è Harold
is very absorbed in the football team and his daughter is feeling left out,
forgotten by her father. Harold and his wife have this discussion often about
him being present in Mary Helen’s life.
Where do you and your spouse fill in for each other and remind each
other where to “step up”?
è The men
get together at the local barber shop after every football game. They go over
the things that happened, the plays, what needs improving, etc. How often do
you and your spouse get together for review of the marriage “game” and the
è Coach Jones
invites Radio in for a burger, soda, and lets him sit and listen to the radio.
Then he gives him a rides home. Radio just lights up with joy with having this
kindness. What do you think about this level of simple kindness? Do you offer
this kind of kindness often? Or ever? In
our busy lives we sometimes forget about the simple things we can do for one
è Daily
practice. This high school football team puts in hours and hours a week to
practice, like most high school teams. How can you better “practice” marriage
on a weekly and daily basis?
è Things get
hot in the last game of the football season. Radio yells out the play, letting the
other team know what they were going to run. Coach Jones and others are
frustrated at this point. What plans of yours have been thwarted and how did
you deal with the disappointments?
è After
the big win and giving Radio the game ball, Coach Jones meets up with his wife
for a moment before heading to the barber shop. They joke a little and she
hints at him getting home to spend some intimate time together. “Don’t forget to bring some of that
unsportsmanlike conduct home”. Do you implement foreplay with your spouse into
your day?
è Missed
Opportunities- “There have been plenty of chances Daddy, you just haven’t taken
any of them.” Mary Helen has made it clear to her daddy that she hasn’t gotten
enough attention from him. What opportunities have you missed with those that matter
most? The time that has been taken from them, has it been worthwhile?
è “There’s
a whole lot out there that’s right, don’t mean we always do it.” Radio’s mama
wonders why Coach Jones is helping and befriending her son. What one or two
things could you and your spouse improve on in your marriage, start doing right
that you haven’t been?
è Radio is
gifted many gifts for Christmas and he gives them all away to the neighbors and
houses around town. He is so selfless. What service can you give to be more
like that?
è ‘Uh Radio,
where’s my hug?” Radio does the morning announcements at the school. He starts
off the day cheery and ready to greet everyone. Are your mornings cheery? What
could you and your spouse both do to start off the day right?
è Radio gives
a gift and “note” to Johnny. Radio apologizes that Johnny got in trouble for
tricking Radio. It can be hard to apologize in marriage for the things that we
do, don’t do, how we act, our mistreatment, etc. Share an example of when you
apologized recently, and it turned things around quickly.
è “It’s
never a mistake to care for someone, that’s always a good thing.” Harold is
frustrated that everyone is trying to get Radio out of the school, when he has
gained this great friendship. How have you been blessed by being cared for by
your spouse?
è Harold
and his family show up at the shop and he gives a speech about the greatness
that has happened in their community since including Radio in the things they
are doing at the school. What do you
think about what he said? Do you and your spouse treat each other with the kind
of respect Radio shows to everyone?
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