Healthy Marriage Movie Guide-- Letters to Juliet

Sophie is searching for information on a classic
photo, taken in Time Square, that represents love. What classic examples of
love can you think of? Share with each other.
“I was thinking that while I was there…I could write.”
Sophie has a hard time getting out what she wants to say. Her fiancé hardly has
time for her. Do you know when your spouse is not feeling ok, bothered by
something, needing a listening ear?
A trip to Verona, Italy. Have you been able to
take romantic getaways? Honeymoon or since then? How can you have a romantic “getaway”
without physically getting-away? What is
a romantic date that you would enjoy?
Sophie “tags along” on some of the vendor expedition,
but her fiancé does not want to join her in the things she is interested in. How
do you find balance in sight seeing and other ventures between the two of you?
“Husbands are like wine, they take a long time
to mature.” In what ways do you hope that your spouse never matures?
Sophie is fighting to tell Victor about the Secretaries
of Juliet, but he is consumed in his own things. He grabs the dessert and cuts
Sophie off. She loves seeing his passion but wants to feel connected. “Win, win.”
How could their communication be improved?
Sophie reads the old letter that she found to
the Secretaries of Juliet. They all give scenarios of the way this woman’s life
played out. Where do you see your future going? What changes do you need to
make to get to where you want to be?
“She’s come to find her true love.” What defines
true love and how can you keep your love true?
“Underneath he had such a warm and passionate
heart.” What about your spouse do you see and know that are somewhat hidden
“Forgive me, where are my manners?” “You know I have been wondering that.” Our spouse
is the person that we should treat better than anyone else. Have you become lax
in your manners and kindness to your spouse?
Sophie and Charlie go out in Siena to enjoy the
sights. They are finally getting to know each other and then he reads some of
what she has been writing. They have a little ice cream fight. Why do simple
things like this sometime break the ice or get people through rough patches? When
was the last time you used comic relief of some sort with your spouse?
Standing over Lorenzo’s grave, Charlie is angry
and yelling at Sophie. Have you ever jumped to conclusions or said the wrong
thing without enough information? How do you work through that on both
ends? Apologizing and forgiving?
How amazing to find lost love 50 years later?
They both had beautiful, long, happy marriages, but this love came back at the
right time. “No, when we are speaking about
love, it is never too late.” What things do you need to do for your spouse now
to not be “too late”?
When you were engaged, were you crazy about each
other? If you had gone on a long vacation then or just after being married,
wouldn’t you want to spend every moment together? Sophie thinks about this and how she had a
better time with Charlie then she would have had with Victor on the trip. How can you get back to that feeling of
wanting to be together all the time? Do you spend a lot of time together still?
“We’re supposed to want to be with each other all the time.”
Victor doesn’t care to read Sophie’s story. What
do you think about this?
“You need
only the courage to follow your heart.” Do you exert courage in your marriage,
in the moments that are hard, the days and weeks that are hard?
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