Trail Run!
This year is the 14th Annual Round Mountain 5k Sunrise Challenge. Running as a couple can be so therapeutic, as you are challenging yourself, but also given an opportunity to push yourself to help your partner. I am more of a runner than my husband, but he has longer legs than I do....he's 6'4''. When we run together, typically he feels as though he is holding back to stay with me, but that changes after the endurance part comes to it and he is worn out before I am set on quitting.
How ever you and your spouse work through such challenges, get outside and push yourself on the sunrise challenge morning. It will soon be too hot to be out running. Head over to the Facebook Event Page to get the details and try it out. It is a great way to support the community and get your Saturday started early and very productively.
"More than 80 percent of the time, it's the wife who brings up sticky marital issues, while the husband tries to avoid discussing them. This isn't a symptom of a troubled marriage--it's true in most happy marriages as well." ~The 7 Principles for Making Marriage Work, John Gottman
Set aside time after running to just connect and focus on an issue you may have. Don't shy away from it, but focus on it together. It's important to discuss things in an open, non-judgmental space. Hear what the other has to say!

Marriage Reconnect
"More than 80 percent of the time, it's the wife who brings up sticky marital issues, while the husband tries to avoid discussing them. This isn't a symptom of a troubled marriage--it's true in most happy marriages as well." ~The 7 Principles for Making Marriage Work, John Gottman
Set aside time after running to just connect and focus on an issue you may have. Don't shy away from it, but focus on it together. It's important to discuss things in an open, non-judgmental space. Hear what the other has to say!
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