If You're Into It, I'm Into It!

My husband LOVES when I just want to watch him "in the zone" of his hobbies. He finds it very attractive. A perfect date to him would be where I went outside to where he has all of his "toys" and watched him "tinker" with his tools. He would build a new contraption by cutting and welding metals together and I would look very quizzical. Explaining how or why he is doing something or how something works is also something he loves. I love watching him in his element, too.

Another great part to this kind of date is when I might try my hand at these things he is expertly inclined for. One night a couple weeks ago, after the kids were in bed, I joined him in the yard as he was finishing up a trailer he was building. I grabbed his second welding hood and was handed his square pad to kneel on so that I could get up close and watch his welding techniques.
I had my knees in about the center of this smooth, leather pad. When the sparks started flying, I started screaming. A few chunks hit the front of the mat and rolled (literally, instantly) right to where my knees were pushing in the foam and nestled in, burning me. I was not happy and told him that we should never weld again, because it was painful and much worse than childbirth.
Though I did not actually get into welding that night, myself, we had a great time!

Marriage Reconnect

Spend time together working on something that your spouse loves! Next time, you can work on the other person's "thing". It is important to show an interest in the things that matter to the person that matters the most.

Here is a picture from 2 years ago when my husband humored me for a date night and helped me sew these fabrics together and glue pillows to a board and then staple the fabric onto the back. We finally had a headboard for our bed!


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