History...Family History

Let's get the details on who we are and who they are. I have always acted as though family history work is not for me. I struggle with it. I struggle with technology. I like reading stories, but I thought that was about it. Recently my husband and I took a little date night for focusing on learning about some of our family lines. It can be so cool! It is interesting to learn where different ancestors were born and lived. What is really cool is just the fact that so many people have put in so much effort to preserve history of different people and that we have archives available to us with census information, marriage dates, and pictures and stories. FamilySearch is a great place to start, because it is free to everyone and has loads of information in it's archives.

Marriage Reconnect

Read up on an ancestor from yours and your spouse's side of the family. It is interesting how we claim people as family from years and years ago that we have never known. My husband was talking about family history and someone asked if the person he was talking about was a relative. He said, "no, it's my wife's relative". The gentleman corrected him and said, "Well then they are your relative too." Learning about the people in our family lines can help us to be welded together, becoming one- one, real family.
 (This is my great-great grandparents on my maternal grandmother's side of the family. Adam
Russell was from Scotland and Hannah Maria Child was from Utah, USA. After marrying they 
helped to settle in Southern Alberta, Canada.)


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