Healthy Marriage Movie Guide: The Pursuit of Happyness
è Chris Gardner works very hard, wanting to
provide for his wife (girlfriend) and son (scene 1). What does the expression
of sacrifice show to those we love? Should the effort be good enough?
è When Chris was told he was chosen out of the
20 interns, the head of the firm asked him, “Was it as easy as it looked?” No, but it was worth it. Marriage takes work,
but it is something to be worked for, because there can be immense joy found by
having someone to share everything with, someone you can be completely
transparent with. What advice would you give someone asking you about marriage
as a whole?
è Chris tells the Man at the day care that they
should fix the wall, where there are inappropriate words graffitied on it. He
points out things that do not uplift. How can you implement this in your
marriage? How does having strong morals add dimension to your marriage
relationship/do they?
è Chris
is left in a taxi cab; he has no money and decides to make a break for it. What
would you do when in such a desperate situation? Discuss your different
opinions on this situation.
è Interview at the office: “I am the type of
person that if I don’t know the answer, I will tell you that I don’t know the
answer…” He continues to say that he will work to find the answer. In what ways
can you increase your humility?
è Chris puts in a lot of energy trying to
impress people. Impressions are important but being absolutely honest and
transparent is important. In what ways should you “impress” in your marriage
and in what ways do you need to “let go” and be raw?
Socio-economic Status
è The Gardner family is low-income and struggles
to have the necessities of life. What kind of strains and hardships does this
put on the marital relationship? How could Chris and Linda better
communicated/worked together through their struggles?
è Scene 3: “They all looked so damn happy to me.
Why couldn’t I look like that?” There are many stresses that we face and that
put a strain on our relationships. We can’t always control the circumstances,
at least not immediately. In what ways can we be joyful where we are at? How
can we enjoy our spouse and sometimes limited time with them, even and
especially when ‘in the thick of it’?
è Scene 4: Chris tells Linda that he wants to go
see about getting a job as a stock broker. She retorts, “Stock Broker? Not an
astronaut?”…turns and scoffs. When pressures are high, working against each
other does not benefit anyone. In what ways in your relationship right now,
could you better support your spouse in their personal endeavors?
è Scene 6: “Whatever, I don’t care”. Linda seems
completely uninterested in resolving issues with Chris. How can you avoid
getting to this extreme of disconnect in your relationship? How would you fight for your relationship if
the other seemed to not care?
è Chris runs through the street twice to try to
get his scanner back from the hippy girl. He finally does, after chasing her
through the street and onto the bus. He could have said, forget it and moved
on, seeing it as a loss. Perseverance is a trait that can extend across all
areas of our lives. Do you recognize the perseverance that your spouse has?
Share with each other in what ways you have seen the other ‘push through’ or
…run through the street until they achieve.
è Hard work, time, determination, practice, and
thought. These are some of the characteristics that got Chris the job as a
Stock-Broker after the internship. Do you put this kind of effort and thought
into your marriage and relationships?
è When at the shelter, “Glide”, they sang about
the mountains that we face and climb. What mountains have you overcome recently
in your marriage or in general? What were things that helped you succeed or
that you will implement in the next struggles of life?
Missed Opportunities
è Scene 4: Linda is expressing her discomfort
with the struggles. She and Chris both act defensive of their position and the
work they have each been putting in to having the money they need for things.
Women tend to be much more confident and feel safe when there is financial
security. What could Chris done in this one conversation to recognize her
fears? How could humility play a role in this ongoing conflict?
è Scene 14: Chris and Christopher are shooting
some baskets on a Saturday between meeting with doctors and Chris tells the boy
that he won’t be good at basketball, so he shouldn’t waste the effort. The
things we say to the people we love the most have a lot of power. Are you an
encouraging voice to your spouse, or a voice that makes them give up?

--> When Chris and Christopher find themselves
homeless and sitting in the metro station, Chris breaks the sadness and sense
of despair when he pretends that his scanner is a time machine. It can be
beneficial in times of crisis and stress to break away from the “world” and
find peace or excitement. What could you do to lift the heart of your spouse in
a trying time?
The Pursuit of Happiness
è Chris talks about The Declaration of
Independence and how it says ‘the PURSUIT of happiness’. He said that he knew
to write that, but can we be happy and experience/have happiness? How can you
actually have happiness in your life?
è Scene 9: “I’m just not happy anymore”… “Then
go get happy Linda, just go get happy”.
We probably will not experience joy all the time in life or in marriage.
Not every season is fun, exciting, or easy. What things can you do to be sure
that your spouse is who you can fall into when in a hard place? What do you
think about the following quote?
'Anyone who imagines that bliss is normal
is going to waste a lot of time running around shouting that he's been robbed.
The fact is that most putts don't drop, most beef is tough, most children grow
up to just be people, most successful marriages require a high degree of mutual
toleration, most jobs are more often dull than otherwise. Life is like an old-time
rail journey...delays...sidetracks, smoke, dust, cinders and jolts,
interspersed only occasionally by beautiful vistas and thrilling burst of
speed. The trick is to thank the Lord for letting you have the ride."
-Gordon B. Hinckley
What are the top two lessons you want
to remember from this movie?
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