Healthy Marriage Movie Guide--- The Hundred-Foot Journey

Image result for the hundred foot journey

There are so many different relationships happening in this movie. Enjoy the film and then discuss the following:

è “I am no mechanic, but I think it is something to do with brakes”. The family enters Europe (France) and the brakes go out on their van. The rest of the family is getting frustrated and worried about things, while the father remains calm and has hope that they will find a place that will suit them. What kind of calm can be in your marriage and family if you remain calm in uncertain times?
è “…I think my family believes they died in the accident and now we are in heaven”. The family is very grateful to Marguerite for helping them, but especially for such delicious food. Do you show gratitude for the things that others do for you, even if it has become “expected” that they will do these things? How does gratitude change the atmosphere of your marriage?
è “Asking for a discount does not mean I am poor, it means I am thrifty.” What are some characteristics of your self and your spouse that can be mistaken for something else? What are some unique characteristics that each of you possess?

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è  “The cuisine in this restaurant is not an old tired marriage, it is a passionate affair…” Has your marriage become old and tired? How can you go about keeping your marriage passionate and exciting? What are classic aspects to your marriage and what are things that you can add (new flavors) to change the experience?
è It is found on the morning of the opening of the Maison Mumbai restaurant, that the neighboring restaurant bought out all the needed ingredients. If we are to succeed, why can’t someone else succeed as well? In marriage, do things go well if we are sabotaging the other’s success, success being opportunities for growth or other needs?
è “A funeral, the death of good taste…” Madame Mallory is asked if there is a wedding party across the street, because of the boisterous music, this was her reply. Why does she believe it is her restaurant or theirs? Why do you believe she was so upset about this restaurant? Why did she feel threatened? If she were to encourage the new family in their restaurant endeavor, would it really have hurt her business? When you lend support or encouragement, does it usually benefit you; does your spouse reciprocate the good feelings?
è Hassan asks Marguerite for advice on how to make the corn more tender. She offers him advice; things she has learned. Though cooking is a passion for both Marguerite and Hassan, they express interest in what the other is doing, their unique cooking styles, etc. Even if you are not passionate or extremely interested in a hobby or interest of another, how can you express interest? Are you sincere in supporting your spouse?
è Revenge. Hassan’s father, Papa Kadam, returns the favor of buying out the competition’s ingredients. This continues to escalate the feud. Have you ever had a feud in your marriage? Does anyone win in these types of competitions?
è In The Hundred-Foot Journey, the different competitors complain to their family or staff about the personal problems, inflicted by competition. Many people become angry and have hard feelings and actions against the “opposing side”. Why should we keep our marital disagreements away from open discussion with children, other members of the family, etc? (Except in cases of disclosure for wrong-doings such as abuse and the benefit of using a marriage counselor).
è Hassan and Marguerite kiss for the first time and she tells Hassan that it is not a good idea, because they are both chefs, thus they won’t be able to get their schedules to work. Have you had difficulty in scheduling time for each other between work, kids, and all other responsibilities and activities? How do you make it work when it looks like it is not going to work?
è A fire is started at the Hindu restaurant. The morning after, Madame Mallory is peering down over the destruction. She then goes over and begins to clean the wall. Right here, she has a complete change of heart. Put yourself in the other person’s shoes and you can see how hurtful and painful the attacks are. Have you gone too far in competing with your spouse? How do you resolve such conflicts? Humility and asking for forgiveness is not easy but can really strengthen relationships.
è “I do not pay you to burn things. Take your knives and go”. What destruction happens when we allow bad things/hinderances to remain in our relationships/marriages? Once Madame Mallory knew that this Chef went too far, what would she be “saying” if she were to keep him in her kitchen? What things in your life do you need to get rid off that is poisoning your marriage?
è Papa Kadam handed his umbrella to Madame Mallory. It was a sort of peace offering. Would a peace offering have worked earlier on, before the rivalry got so far? Can we accept peace offerings before damage is done to our relationships?
è Marguerite and Hassan fight when he tells her that he will be working in her kitchen. She feels threatened in her position, because she knows that he is a great cook. How could she have reacted better? Does it need to be one way or the other, meaning success for yourself or the relationship? Can you and your spouse succeed in what you are pursuing?
è Hassan made the 100-foot journey to the other restaurant to begin his “classical” training. What journeys have you made that have impacted you in big ways? What trainings have you had, or hard lessons have you learned that have made you and your marriage greater?
è Papa takes matters of celebration into his own hands as Madame Mallory is fretting over the hoped-for phone call letting them know of the Michelin star. He opens the champagne, but at the same moment, thankfully, the call comes. How can you celebrate the successes and efforts of one another?
è Hassan leaves to work at another restaurant in Paris. What kind of advice or farewell words would be good for him in this situation, as he leaves his family for the first time? How can you keep someone close, when miles keep you apart?
è The magazine called Hassan “the boy from the gutter”. How can you stand up for yourself and your family in situations like this, where it was a compliment of sorts, but derogatory? Would you back up your spouse if someone said ill words of them?
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è Hassan is reminded of who he is, where his roots are, as he eats some Indian food with a co-worker. What things keep you grounded and remind you of what is most important?
è Papa Kadam talks to Madame Mallory and says that she is almost like his girlfriend, but then she walks away. He is worried that she was upset about this, and thus follows her, to find that not true. What would have happened if he would have left back to his room or the kitchen, misunderstanding her movements? If you don’t know what your spouse means with their words or actions, are you good about confronting them?

“Maybe the brakes break for a reason”
This was said a few times in the movie. What instances in your life/relationship could be explained like this? Where has there been divine intervention in your life?


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