Healthy Marriage Movie Guide--- Father of the Bride

Image result for father of the bride

  • ·       “A wedding is an entirely different proposition”.  Was your wedding a huge event? Were your parents excited or worried like this father?  What do you and your spouse hope for your children when it comes to love and marriage?
  • ·       George describes his love for his daughter, “worrying comes with the territory”. What are your favorite things about parenthood? How has it strengthened your marriage? What have been the top two challenges on your marriage from having children?
  • ·       Annie is bursting as she tells her parents that she is in love and engaged. Her father is not so keen on the idea; it takes him a moment to even register the news. How did your parents react when you announced you were getting married?
  • ·       “I thought you didn’t believe in marriage….” How does marriage help you find your identity? How do you build complete partnership in marriage?

  • ·       Annie runs from the dinner table and Nina tells George to go after her and talk to her so that they can repair the relationship. Have you and your spouse had moments of putting the other in their place?
  • ·       Annie and her Dad have a one on one game out in the drive way. Throughout the movie you see the family playing ball. Are sports a part of your marriage and family in any way? What do you think this added to the family dynamics? This is used as a physical outlet, something they could do to burn energy and be able to spend time together, allowing for good conversations to come up.
  • ·       Annie and Brian are telling her parents all about their adventures in Rome. Have you and your spouse traveled? Where do you hope to travel? Do you think that it would have been important for Brian and Annie to date more before getting engaged, to see each other in a more normal, everyday environment?
  • ·       George and Nina are discussing meeting Brian ad what they thought about the experience. She plays the devil’s advocate, really likes Brian and is positive. George is very upset about his daughter growing up. How do you and your spouse communicate? Nina is helping him to stay calm by listening to him and keeping a light spirit about his antics. “I think we should at least hug”.
  • ·       Brian and his father are both great at making speeches about the future and the happiness that will come in life from the joining of Brian and Annie. Optimism is important, but what struggles come that are not foreseen when we get married? What advice would you give to a couple getting married after what you have experienced so far in marriage?

  • ·       George makes quite a scene when he is at Brian’s parent’s home. What times have your spouse embarrassed you and looking back can you laugh about these moments?
  • ·       Annie gets her wedding exactly the way she wants it. Who had opinions about the way your wedding festivities would go? Who got their way? Did it really matter in the end? Looking back, do you think you focused enough on preparing for marriage or did you focus all or too much on the wedding?

  •  George finds his daughter asleep on the couch. She was reading about having a wedding on a small budget. He said that from that time on, he decided to shut his mouth and go with the flow.  Later he has a break down and is arrested for tearing into hotdog buns at the store. His wife helps him to again, resolve to be better and not throw fits. Even when we decide something, it is hard to stay on the wagon. What could you resolve to improve on in your marriage? Personally and jointly?

  • ·       “Repeat after me…” Nina is so great at staying calm through all the things that go on with George in this movie. Attitude is so important in contributing to how we feel about the things in our lives. What is your role in your marriage? Your spouse’s role?

  • ·       Annie comes into the house and says she is not getting married.  She tells her dad that she can’t marry Brian because of his expectations…because he gave her a blender.  In what situations have you and/or your spouse overreacted? 
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  • ·       George in laying in bed thinking back on some of his favorite moments of his daughter throughout the years. If you were to be in a movie and had one of these reminiscing scenes about your spouse, what 3 or 4 memories would be the highlights shown?

  • ·       “I knew I would never remember what Nina wore that day, but I also knew I would never be able to forget the way she looked”.  Do you take the time to stop and appreciate your spouse, the way they do things, their smiles, their effort in helping you, being attractive to you?

  •        George is the kind of guy who likes to savor the moments, especially the moments with his wife and kids. When you are at the point of looking back at your pre-kid time, raising kids time, and all the other years of life, will you wish you spent more time? 


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