Swap Meet!

Run to the far end of town (ok, you can drive) on a weekend and go to the Globe Park n' Swap. Make a game of it and set a limit for each other, say $10? Now you can decide if you want to find things you actually need/want or weird things...but see which of you can be the best bargain finder and/or haggler! Enjoy the competition.

Marriage Reconnect

Share with each other something you learned in the past week. Often times we don't reflect on the things that we have seen, done, or learned in a week--not recognizing that we are becoming better, smarter, and stronger. You may have to dig through your mind on this one, but it doesn't have to be extraordinary. This is another way to bond with your spouse; possibly they will have questions about the thing you shared or maybe you will have something come up that you both want to learn more about.


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