Make it at Home...ICE CREAM

Seriously though, if you are an ice cream fan or human you probably love homemade ice cream. I am pretty much ice cream's biggest fan and my husband really enjoys eating ice cream with me. We have some great late night conversations over ice cream. If you are running short on time or energy for a date night, homemade ice cream and chatting on the porch is a fantastic idea.
You can get creative with your add-in's if you'd like. Create your own peanut butter and chocolate ice cream or strawberry...really you could think of SO many options.

Marriage Reconnect

A great discussion to have while you are relaxing together is about hot topics or things that tend to bring up the stress between the two of you. I don't mean discuss these things for date night, but rather make a plan for when these topics can and should be brought up. I have this nasty habit of throwing a pie in my husband's face the second he walks in the door after work (figuratively).  Though I know this is probably really unpleasant, I have yet to master the art of restraint. I am still trying. Really though ask each other when would be a time to ease into evaluating things that have to do with each other's behavior or list of to-do's.... Some things are always hard to talk about, but can cause less strain when presented in a better setting. Also, when there is set aside time for some of these discussions, we can filter ourselves better, realizing that some things don't need to be shared.


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