Look Ahead and Look Behind

Meal Planning. This is a popular subject recently, but can really add a sense of simplicity to the monotony of food 3-4 times a day. As part of your home date night whip out some recipe books or search Pinterest. Make a plan for dinners for the next week. This will benefit both of you as it will alleviate stress throughout the week. As a wife and mother I know that it can be so hard to choose the menu every single day; having input is GREAT. When I get input from my husband he appreciates having a few of his own choices on the menu. Win, win!

Image may contain: food

Marriage Reconnect

Have you explored your hometown with your spouse? This is especially fun if you are from different places. I have loved the opportunities I have had to take my husband around my old stomping grounds and love seeing the places he liked to hangout or hear about the things he did with his buddies. As you learn about the middle school or high school version of your spouse it could be fun to talk about whether or not you would have been friends if you lived in the same place or just been passer-bys.


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